Selected Publications by the Researchers
The researchers' complete publication lists can be found in the portrait pages of individual team members and on the Institute's site on Research Gate.
Bach, Tobias/van Thiel, Sandra/Hammerschmid, Gerhard/Steiner, Reto (2016): Administrative tradition and management reforms: A comparison of agency chief executive accountability in four Continental Rechtsstaat countries. In: Public Management Review (early online, DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2016.1210205)
Steiner, Reto/Kaiser, Claire (2016): Effects of amalgamations: evidence from Swiss municipalities. In: Public Management Review (early online, DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2016.1153704)
Steiner, Reto/Kaiser, Claire/Eythórsson, Grétar Thór (2016): A Comparative Analysis of Amalgamation Reforms in Selected European Countries. In: Sabine Kuhlmann und Geert Bouckaert (Hrsg.): Local Public Sector Reforms in Times of Crisis: National Trajectories and International Comparisons. Palgrave.
Steiner, Reto/Kaiser, Claire (2016): Preventing Corruption in the Public Administration - Shown Using the Example of Switzerland. In: Anti-corruption policies and preventing and combating corruption in public service in state and local government, Y. Kovbasyuk and VL Fedorenko (eds.), Kiev, pp. 113-118 (Ukrainian Original: Попередження корупції у державному управлінні на прикладі Швейцарії, с. 113-118. / Державна антикорупційна політика і запобігання та протидія корупції на публічній службі в органах державної влади і органах місцевого самоврядування: монографія за ред. Проф. Ю.В. Ковбасюка і проф. В.Л. Федоренка. - К: Видавництво Ліра-К, НАДУ)
Kaiser, Claire (2016): Papers on Strategies, Incentives and Effects of
Amalgamation in Switzerland. Dissertation, KPM-Schriftenreihe Nr. 59. Bern: KPM-Verlag.
Steiner, Reto/Raess Brenner, Kathrin/Saxenhofer, Andreas (2014): Effects of Public Corporate Governance Guidelines at the Subnational Level in Switzerland. In: Yearbook of Swiss Administrative Sciences 2014. Zürich, S. 139-161
Steiner, Reto (Hrsg.) (2013): The Crisis: Challenges for Public Management. KPM-Schriftenreihe Nr. 41. Bern
Steiner, Reto/Huber, Etienne (2012): Autonomy of the Federal Organizational Units. In: Yearbook of Swiss Administrative Sciences. Bern, S. 141-160